Created in 1996, Children's Storybooks Online was given a 4-Star rating by NetGuide's Best of the Web in 1997. Since then it has been featured twice in Yahoo Magazine (4 Stars out of 5) and has been mirrored on CD-Rom by Classroom Connect and distributed in schools in the United States. It was also selected by the Australian WebMaster Project as one of the "Best Educational Sites in the World" 1998 and mirrored on their CD-Rom distributed to schools throughout Australia. In 1998 it was included in PCNovice's Guide to the Web, The 2500 Best Sites.
There are original stories with color illustrations for young children as well as older children and young adults. Children's Storybooks Online seeks to combine education and entertainment to amuse and engage children's imaginations. There are riddles, mazes, coloring book pages and a page with children's links that have won Children's Storybooks Online Award for excellence.
Presently there are 26 stories. The first story to be included on the site was The Littlest Knight which took Carol Moore two years to illustrate. It made its debut on the web courtesy of her husband Chris, the webmaster. In 1996 Carol contacted Lea McAndrews for permission to include her story Round Bird, at that time one of only a few children's stories on the web that was illustrated. The next stories added were Buzzy Bee, Kitty Wants a Box, Wumpalump, and Loomploy. Shortly thereafter Valerie Hardin and Rolando Merino contacted Children's Storybooks Online to add their stories. Duncan Wells' story, Absulum the Reindeer Elf, debuted in January 2000 and Sniffy & Fluffy Have An Adventure by Aimee Bruneau and Taylour Damion was added later that year.
2003 added five stories. Mr. Coyote Meets Mr. Snail and Shooflies, by Storie-Jean Agapith, a native American Indian, and Wolstencroft the Bear by Karen Lewis. Carol Moore has also added The Master Artist and Second Thoughts.
Authors on Children's Storybooks Online retain all copyrights to their own written and illustrated material.