Phonics Links
Children's Storybooks Online not only offers stories for children, we're interested in helping them learn to read those stories. We believe phonics is the best method to teach reading so we have developed a web site specifically for that.
Here are some of the best phonics links to other great sites with useful phonics games, information and materials:

For Kids
- ABC Fast Phonics - our free sister site introduces phonics to beginning readers of any age in a fun and easy way. Over 100 pages of audio lessons with 400 cartoons and clickable words.
- Garfield's Fishing with Phonics - a beginning and ending consonants game from
- Starfall's Letter and Word Games - from
- Phonics Endings Game - a three-level game where you match words with similar endings to the object in a picture. Level 2, Level 3, Matching Worksheets (at bottom of page). From
- Digby the Mole - find words that (1) begin with, (2) end with, or (3) sound like (rhyme with) a given letter, blend sound, or word. From The Little Animals Activity Centre at the BBC Schools section ( of the BBC's web site.
- Picture Match - Match pictures to their beginning letter sounds, or short and long vowel sounds by sorting them into the correct letter box. Other good information here including lesson plans and web resources from
- Construct a Word - Build a word list from letters and letter groups by matching up word beginnings to word endings to create complete words. Also from
- Clifford the Big Red Dog Sound Match Game - Find pictures of words that begin with the same sound as the picture name at the top and drag them into a box. From
- Match Letters Game - Four games where you match sets of letters or blends, turned over two at a time. Has a timer that can be used for competition or tracking personal best, but does not time out. Separate games for Consonants b-n, Consonants m-z, Vowels, and Blends. From
- Whole Word versus Phonics - a refreshingly personal and perhaps controversial comparison and discussion of the topic. A mountain of analysis and opinion on education related topics by Bruce Price at
- Rayment's Learn to Read Method - a method of reading to children from
- The National Right to Read Foundation - comprehensive site with extensive material on the definition of phonics, implicit vs. explicit teaching methods, testing, research, history, plus a resource section that includes a large list of available phonics teaching programs for both home and school. Plus phonics links and much more at
- A Gold Mine of Worksheets - phonics and phonemic awareness worksheets from
- School Express Worksheets - create your own worksheets including quizzes, spelling practice worksheets, word walls/flash cards and more at
- Target the Problem! - good in-depth material and a tool to help parents and teachers understand the specific problems a child may have with reading, and what can be done to help them overcome those difficulties. This and more at
- Phonics, Syllable and Accent Rules - from the Glendale College English Lab at
- Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read - an article about the best ways to teach phonics from the National Institute for Literacy. Page 1 includes the Introduction and Phonemic Awareness Instruction, page 2 covers Phonics Instruction, with pages 3, 4 and 5 continuing on with Fluency, Vocabulary and Text Comprehension. Lots of other good stuff on this web site at