How Talking eBooks work:
Our eBooks are downloadable from the internet and viewed on a desktop or laptop computer with audio sound capability. Once the book is downloaded it can be read offline at your convenience. Each book is copy protected with a username and password and will occasionally request a connection to the internet so it can automatically verify that the password remains valid. This can be postponed so you do not have to interrupt a current session. Passwords cannot be shared but can be uninstalled and moved to a different computer. eBooks are viewable for four years. Printing is not offered.
Minimum requirements for your computer:
- PC running Microsoft Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP or Mac running a PC emulator program like Virtual PC which allows you to switch to a Windows environment.
- Pentium 100 with 32 MB of RAM
- Connection to the internet
- Audio capability
- Mouse or compatible pointing device recommended
- VGA or higher resolution graphics card
- Minimum 800x600 resolution recommended
- Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
Three easy steps for your computer to play Talking eBooks:
- MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER version 5 or greater must be installed. You probably have this on your system already, but if you don't, click on the button on the right to get a free copy.
- eBooks are viewed using eBOOK VIEWER version 5.5 or above. Click on the button to the right to get your free copy.
- The free Macromedia FLASH PLAYER is used for the sounds. If you don't already have it, the viewer will let you know and provide a link to it.
Please note: eBooks are not physical books, but rather books in electronic format viewed on your computer which permit the use of audio and interactivity. |
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