How Talking eBooks work:
Our eBooks are downloadable from the internet and viewed on a desktop or laptop computer with audio sound capability. Once the book is downloaded it can be read offline at your convenience. Each book is copy protected with a username and password and will occasionally request a connection to the internet so it can automatically verify that the password remains valid. This can be postponed so you do not have to interrupt a current session. Passwords cannot be shared but can be uninstalled and moved to a different computer. eBooks are viewable for four years. Printing is not offered.
Minimum requirements for your computer:
- PC running Microsoft Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP or Mac running a PC emulator program like Virtual PC which allows you to switch to a Windows environment.
- Pentium 100 with 32 MB of RAM
- Connection to the internet
- Audio capability
- Mouse or compatible pointing device recommended
- VGA or higher resolution graphics card
- Minimum 800x600 resolution recommended
- Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
Three easy steps for your computer to play Talking eBooks:
MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER version 5 or greater must be installed. You probably have this on your system already, but if you don't, click on the button on the right to get a free copy.
eBooks are viewed using eBOOK VIEWER version 5.5 or above. Click on the button to the right to get your free copy.
The free Macromedia FLASH PLAYER is used for the sounds. If you don't already have it, the viewer will let you know and provide a link to it.
Please note: eBooks are not physical books, but rather books in electronic format viewed on your computer which permit the use of audio and interactivity. |
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